
From Shingles to Rubber

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From Shingles to Rubber

How many different kinds of roofs can you spot on the houses on your street? A few decades ago, you may have only seen shingle roofs, perhaps with the occasional slate roof mixed in. But these days, there are more kinds of roofing on the market. Metal roofs are becoming common because they can be made from recycled materials. Tile is a popular choice because it lasts a lot longer than other roofing materials. And then there are some roofers who install rubber roofs because they're smooth and easy to install. Learn more about roofs of all types on this blog.



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A Guide To Fiberglass Roofing Repair

Fiberglass roofing is a durable and cost-effective option for many homeowners. However, over time, it may require repair due to cracks, holes, or general wear and tear. Below is a guide for repairing fiberglass roofing, ensuring its longevity and functionality.

Assessing the Damage

Before starting the repair process, carefully inspect the fiberglass roofing to identify the extent of the damage. Look for cracks, holes, or areas where the fiberglass has deteriorated. Assessing the damage will help you determine the appropriate repair method and materials needed. If you find the roofing has a lot of damage, contact a roofing contractor to make the repairs for you.

Cleaning the Area

Thoroughly clean the damaged area to remove any debris, loose materials, or dirt. Use a brush or broom to sweep away loose particles. If necessary, use a mild detergent and water to clean the surface, ensuring it is free from contaminants that could affect the repair.

Gathering the Repair Materials

Depending on the size and severity of the damage, gather the necessary repair materials. Common options include a fiberglass repair kit, resin, hardener, fiberglass cloth, and a mixing container. These materials will facilitate a strong and seamless repair.

Mixing and Applying the Resin

Follow the manufacturer's instructions to mix the resin and hardener in the correct proportions. This mixture will be used to bond the fiberglass cloth to the roof. Proper mixing ensures the resin cures effectively and provides a strong bond. Using a brush or roller, apply a thin layer of the resin mixture onto the damaged area. Ensure the resin covers the entire damaged section, providing a solid foundation for the repair.

Applying the Fiberglass Cloth

Cut a piece of fiberglass cloth slightly larger than the damaged area. Place the cloth onto the wet resin, making sure it covers the damaged section completely. Gently press the cloth into the resin, using a brush or roller to remove any air bubbles or wrinkles. Apply a second layer of resin over the fiberglass cloth, saturating it completely. Ensure the cloth is fully wetted out and there are no dry spots. This step reinforces the repair and creates a seamless surface.

Smoothing the Surface

Use a brush or roller to smooth out the surface and remove any excess resin. This step helps create a seamless repair and ensures a uniform finish. Pay attention to the edges to achieve a blended appearance.

Allowing the Repair to Cure

Follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding the recommended curing time. This typically involves allowing the repair to dry and harden for a specific period. Avoid walking on or disturbing the repair during this time to ensure its effectiveness. After the repair has cured, inspect the area to ensure it is properly repaired. Sand down any rough edges if necessary and consider applying a protective coating to enhance durability and longevity.

Regular maintenance and prompt repairs can help extend the lifespan of your fiberglass roof, ensuring it continues to protect your home for years to come. For more information, contact a company like All Coast Roofing LLC.