
From Shingles to Rubber

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From Shingles to Rubber

How many different kinds of roofs can you spot on the houses on your street? A few decades ago, you may have only seen shingle roofs, perhaps with the occasional slate roof mixed in. But these days, there are more kinds of roofing on the market. Metal roofs are becoming common because they can be made from recycled materials. Tile is a popular choice because it lasts a lot longer than other roofing materials. And then there are some roofers who install rubber roofs because they're smooth and easy to install. Learn more about roofs of all types on this blog.



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3 Benefits Of Commercial Roofing Upgrade

Since your roof is your commercial establishment's first line of defense against the elements, you should ensure that it's always in top condition. This way, you can guarantee equipment safety and provide your employees with conducive working spaces. That's why you should invest in routine servicing and allow professional roofers to address arising damages.

Aside from proactive maintenance, you should also acknowledge that your commercial roof has a lifespan beyond which it's best to replace it. This allows you to start saving for commercial roofing upgrades in advance. As such, you're able to commission a re-roofing project before the overhead coverage starts to cave in. Continue reading to learn the benefits of a commercial roofing upgrade.

Attract Customers

While your commercial roof is almost always out of sight, it's among the first things customers will notice about your establishment. With a quality roofing system, you're able to attract more customers because most people prefer to shop at polished establishments. However, if your roofing system is worn out, most prospective customers will walk past your establishment even if you offer products they want to purchase.

So if your roof's outlook is not as polished as you want it to be, it's about time you started saving for an upgrade. Make sure you liaise with professional roofing contractors who can bring your vision to life. No matter how intricate your roofing design is, experienced commercial roofers can pull off a satisfactory upgrade.

Increase Energy Efficiency

Another benefit of upgrading your commercial roof is increased energy efficiency. Since modern roofing materials have a high insulation property, redoing your roof allows you to significantly lower your monthly energy consumption. Your roofing system will prevent heat exchange between your indoor spaces and the outside environment. As such, your HVAC unit will consume less energy to achieve desired room temperatures. And since your heating and cooling unit contribute the lion's share of your monthly energy bills, the accumulative savings will be so significant that you could channel them to pending development projects.

Avoid High Repair Costs

Holding on to an old roofing system opens you up to high repair costs because you'll have to keep fixing recurring damages to protect your indoor spaces from the elements. This might seem more affordable than catering to a complete roofing overhaul. However, if you consider the cumulative amount that goes into repairing the roof, you realize that you're better off making a one-off investment that resets your roof's lifespan.

If your roof is on the verge of caving in, this is your cue to commission a commercial roofing upgrade.