
From Shingles to Rubber

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From Shingles to Rubber

How many different kinds of roofs can you spot on the houses on your street? A few decades ago, you may have only seen shingle roofs, perhaps with the occasional slate roof mixed in. But these days, there are more kinds of roofing on the market. Metal roofs are becoming common because they can be made from recycled materials. Tile is a popular choice because it lasts a lot longer than other roofing materials. And then there are some roofers who install rubber roofs because they're smooth and easy to install. Learn more about roofs of all types on this blog.



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Smart Ways Your Roofer Can Protect Your Roof Against Storm Effects

Your roof keeps you safe from weather elements. But in the process, it gets exposed to various damages, some of which warrant a complete roof replacement. So whether you own a commercial property or a residential one, keeping your roof in excellent condition is a duty you never want to abandon. 

One of the weather elements with adverse effects on the roof is the storm. Some of the damages your roof is likely to experience from a storm include holes, cracks, and loose shingles. Fortunately, there is something your roofer can do to ensure your roof is not horribly affected by the storms.

They Clear Your Roof of Debris

It is normal for debris such as tree leaves and branches to fall on your roof. However, that does not mean that you should leave them there. A roof full of debris is vulnerable to damage during storms. As strong winds continue to blow in all directions, they can pick the debris and scratch your roof in the process. This strips your roof of its protective granules, resulting in punctures. In addition, you might start experiencing leaks afterward, especially if you fail to have your roof inspected after the storm. Therefore, you should regularly hire a roofer to clear your roof of debris buildup.

They Apply Preventative Measures

Preventative measures guarantee you peace of mind when storms strike. The most fundamental measure is roof inspection. During an inspection, your roofing contractor examines the flashing and fixes it if damaged. If they identify leaks, they will seal them right away to prevent them from escalating. If not addressed in time, a storm can aggravate such issues, leading to even more serious roofing problems. Therefore, you should heavily invest in regular roof maintenance and inspection to keep your roof safe from the storm effects.

They Repair Damages on Time

The sooner you get your roof repaired, the safer you will be during storms. Otherwise, you'll give way for the storm to destroy your roof by ignoring minor problems. As such, you shouldn't overlook any roofing problem, no matter how tiny it seems. Instead, call your roof repair contractor as soon as you spot an anomaly. 

Even the strongest of roofs are not safe from storm damage. Luckily, your roofer can offer you the needed help when your roof suffers storm damage. Most importantly, the tips highlighted in this article will go a long way in reducing the impact of damage to your roof. Contact a local roofing service to learn more.